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Multiverse3D - Roadmap

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:38 am
by multiverseuser

It would be nice to have a roadmap of major features for the game engine.
I really like the video in youtube. I got a peak of some really cool stuff and
knowing when those features would be available would be nice.


Re: Multiverse3D - Roadmap

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:48 am
by SirGolan
I've mostly got a grip on the next two releases-- I'm hoping for one every 1-2 months. The current release I'm working on has three major parts. Fixing or revamping things that were broken due to the major refactoring that went into version 0.3, making the persistence layer less brittle (I haven't had issues, but let's just say it's not ACID compliant :D ), and lots of bugfixing. You can check out the roadmap section of trac for finer detail.

The biggie in the release after that is fixing up load balancing. Other big (but less interesting things) are revamping the event system, and extending user admin tools. Beyond that, there's quite a few tickets in the backlog milestone that will get stuffed into future releases. I also can't promise things won't get shifted around between releases.

On a larger scale, my old roadmap got thrown out the window when I decided to switch to open source, so I'm still working on that one. :)

By the way, do let me know if you want to get access to file bugs and edit wiki pages. I only disable that to prevent spam. You'd just have to click the register button on the wiki and let me know the username.

Also, some of the features in the video are available in the latest SVN checkout. The repository is located here. The in game editor, unfortunately, is still fairly broken, but that's something that I'll be working on fixing soon.

Re: Multiverse3D - Roadmap

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:15 am
by multiverseuser

I would like to be able to update some of the documentation. I just registered, my wiki address username is:

I will collect all the Client documentation and update the wiki page.


Re: Multiverse3D - Roadmap

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:09 am
by SirGolan
That would be very helpful! I've given you permissions to tickets (so you can file bugs if you like :) ) and also to the wiki.



Re: Multiverse3D - Roadmap

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:36 am
by multiverseuser

I have been playing with python and python-ogre for about a year and half.
It would be nice to lend a hand too. Right now, I'm trying to get
familiar with the code, structure of it, flow and stuff.

I could help with documentation, bug fixing, 3D mesh, skeleton movement
I have done simple texturing. I have not found the proper books to get
better at texturing.

Anyway. I think it looks pretty good.

Re: Multiverse3D - Roadmap

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:11 pm
by SirGolan
Sounds great. MV3D is definitely a huge project, so there is plenty of room for help. :) Definitely grab the code from SVN (or look at the v0.3 code) and feel free to ask questions. I hope to start some documents on the code layout and general architecture soon. I did at least delete most of the wiki pages that were completely out of date, so that should cut down on confusion somewhat. :)