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MV3D 0.34 what do you want?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:53 pm
by SirGolan
Now's the time to get things into the 0.34 release. I'm thinking it's going to have a lot to do with fixing broken redundancy and load balancing code, but I'd also like to get some world editing tools going along with improving the usability of the client.

So, speak up. What do you want? This is probably going to be another 2 month release cycle. I'm hoping less, but it all depends on how much time I get to work on it.


Re: MV3D 0.34 what do you want?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:13 pm
by SirGolan
I've switched things up with 0.34. Instead of load balancing and redundancy, I'm going to go with world building tools. Now's definitely the time to get the suggestions in. I'll be closing up the list of new features in a couple of days.