In Game Editor.

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Moderator: SirGolan

In Game Editor.

Postby SirGolan » Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:53 am

Last night, I posted some thoughts on the new in game editor that I'm planning now. This topic is very much open for discussion. Since it's still in the design phase, now is the time to make suggestions.

One thing I've thought about a little more is that the options you have available should be based on the thing(s) you have selected. Everything will have a list of editor plugins that can be used on it. If you have a few things selected, only the plugins that work on all of them will be active. Selecting things is a bit more difficult. In the old version, you could select objects by clicking on them or by selecting them from a list. There had been no way to select an area or realm previously.

I'm thinking maybe a bar across the top of the screen could show the various services that were running and possibly allow you to select a connected server (the client can be connected to more than one server at a time). So you could select the Sim service and then it would give you options for selecting areas and objects by various means. Selecting the Realm service would give options for selecting realms.

Basically, the client will request the list of services that work with the editor, then when the user clicks on one of them, it will request the plugins associated with that service. It'll probably mean a standard api call that can be used on everything from services all the way down to bodies attached to objects.
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Re: In Game Editor.

Postby multiverseuser » Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:30 am


It would cool to have an InGame Editor available. I'm not sure I know
the difference of what you are saying here. I only was able to watch a little
bit of it in the video demo you made. I thought it was pretty cool nonetheless.

I guess if there is a branch version that does InGame that would be good.
My suggestions is that it should be kept simple.

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Re: In Game Editor.

Postby SirGolan » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:06 am

Yeah, I think that my plan for this release is mostly to get the new editor framework in place and maybe write a few editor plugins, but nothing too complex. Once it's there, though, it should be easy to add on to it as that's one of my main goals with it.
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Re: In Game Editor.

Postby SirGolan » Thu May 01, 2008 3:44 am

I just trunked the code in SVN. The ticket I had was for the framework, but I added in a simple plugin example. Here's the code for the plugin:

Server side
Client side

Not a lot of code, definitely. If it wasn't obvious from the name, that example plugin lets you create box objects. The next release (after the current one) will include more useful plugins, but I won't stop anyone who wants to write any now. :)

It is, however, currently fun to create a bunch of boxes 30 or so units above the terrain so that they fall in a nice stack. Then you can knock them over.
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Re: In Game Editor.

Postby multiverseuser » Tue May 06, 2008 2:45 am


I tried to fetch the trunk from SVN and I did not get any files to update
Do I have to this manually?

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Re: In Game Editor.

Postby SirGolan » Tue May 06, 2008 4:16 am

Hmm.. Do you have mv3d/util/ Or mv3d/client/ui/ Those should both be there and were added as part of the in game editor. Is it possible your SVN is switched into a branch? If you don't have local modified files, you could try just deleting the trunk directory and checking it out again.


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