Stable enough for external developers?

I've been shopping around for a MMO framework to use as I figured preexisting technology would be quicker/easier/more stable than something I could create. Since this is just a hobby project of mine, I don't enjoy the prospect of creating an entire MMO framework
Multiverse3D looks very interesting and powerful. I haven't had a chance to download the sources yet so take my questions with a grain of salt.
In your opinion as the lead developer, how stable do you feel MV3D is for use by an external developer? I realize it is far from feature complete and will likely undergo a lot of changes. Is there enough core functionality to support development of a game at this point in time? Of course, if I were to begin developing my own project on MV3D I would also help fill tickets on the main MV3D branch as it is a mutually beneficial arrangement.

In your opinion as the lead developer, how stable do you feel MV3D is for use by an external developer? I realize it is far from feature complete and will likely undergo a lot of changes. Is there enough core functionality to support development of a game at this point in time? Of course, if I were to begin developing my own project on MV3D I would also help fill tickets on the main MV3D branch as it is a mutually beneficial arrangement.