Hi Mike,
yep this helps a lot
I've tried to build a complete package for python-ogre on ubuntu, but I've been unsuccessful (I've very little time in this period). But I managed to successfully compile ogre, ois, cegui, with modules caelum and ogreforests..so maybe if you want, you could try to build a package for it
The problem with ogreforest was in the boost python library (the Sleep function with __stdcall), and in particular in the gccxml compile argument -D"WIN32" which should be different I guess.
I did in this way: I edited the file yield.hpp removing __stdcall from the Sleep function and it worked
Here the person who helped me on the gccxml mailing list:
http://www.gccxml.org/pipermail/gccxml/ ... 01453.htmlI saw a lot of little errors in the flow of building-generating-compiling of BuildModule.py, and I gave up to correct the others for a matter of time
and for example I could not find where to fix the gccxml argument, setting a linux argument instead of the WIN32...
Another problem, for me, with a packaging, is that I did not use the "--use-system" because it install directly on the root directory, overwriting my previous files (I like my OS to be "clean", with every program installed by the package manager).
So all of this to say..maybe in the next future I'll be able to set up a repository with up-to-date package of python-ogre and some additional modules, but first I have to better understand how to package stuff and how the python-ogre script works. If you already have these skills maybe we can manage to have a little repository, at least for mv3d only, in a few days.
Thank you for all your work.
ps: would it be possible to have a python2.7 compatible version of mv3d? Or is this too difficult/time-consuming?